• Access on card will expire on the same expiry date as the holders’ current ASIC• Loss of card is to be reported immediately to DIA Terminal Control Centre – (08) 8920 1822
• The Access Card remains the property of DIA and must be surrendered on expiry, transfer or termination of present duty, or on requestby DIA
• The card may only be used in the course of the cardholder’s approved duties in the Secure Areas and does not constitute an authority toenter or remain in a restricted area for any other purpose
• Access on cards is registered for the use of the person to whom it has been issued only
• Incorrect use of access provisions may result in the immediate withdrawal of access privileges. No refund will be granted
• If you have a separate DIA Access Card with Access Control permissions, then these permissions will expire on the same date that yourASIC expires
• DIA will attempt to reprogram an existing Access Control Card, should the card be deemed damaged or invalid a new Access Control Cardwill be issued at a cost of $20 in GST