Authority to Drive Airside (ADA) Application

This form is to be used when applying for a new Authority to Drive Airside (ADA) or when renewing your current ADA due to its forthcoming expiry. 

All persons who drive vehicles on the airside of Alice Springs Airport (ASA) must hold a current ADA. ADA’s are only issued by ASA or an approved issuing authority. The requirements of ADA holders are set out in the ASA Airside Drivers Guide.

Please consider the last day of the month.

Online Security Induction is a mandatory part of ADA applications. Please ensure this is completed via the following link:

ADA applications will be rejected if this is not completed prior to submission.

This will be the ASA approved Authorising Signatory for your company to sign off this form. To check who the Authorising Signatories are, and avoid any application processing delays, please contact the Airport Management Centre | call 08 8951 1211 or email Applications signed by anyone other than an approved Authorising Signatory will be returned.
Section A - Drivers Licence

Section B - ADA Information
Be specific, explain your role and why it requires an ADA. E.g. Drive Tug for Baggage Loading, Tow Aircraft etc. Reasons such as “work duty” or “operational need” must be expanded on.

Section C - Training

Initial applicants must attach a completed Driver’s Log to this application showing that they have successfully conducted the minimum required hours of training for the category of licence for which they are applying. Driving Airside whilst training must be under the supervision of an experienced ADA holder, equivalent to or higher than the category of licence being applied for:

  • Category 1: Familiarisation of area (minimum 30 minutes)

  • Category 2 Four hours

  • Category 4 : Eight hours (at least two of which must be conducted at night)

Note (a): Category 4 ADA will only be issued to applicants who have a requirement to enter taxiways and/or runways in radio equipped vehicles and hold an Aircraft Radiotelephone Operator Certificate. 

Note (b): The applicant may be required to sit other Online Inductions if not already completed.


Section D - Payment

Payment for ADA applications must be made at the time of submission, no applications will be accepted without payment. Pricing shown is inclusive of GST.

ASA accepts the following payment methods: CASH / EFTPOS / CREDIT CARD / MONTHLY ACCOUNT

Single-Payment Credit Card Authority Form is available for download on our website or request from the Airport Management Centre

Credit card details will be asked for at the bottom of this form.

Privacy Statement

We may use your personal information for the purposes of assisting ASA with the correct operating of the airport under variou s legislation, and in the assessment of any security infractions or incidents. Information may also be supplied to third parties in conjunction with any federal investigations.

By submitting this application, you consent to ASA  collecting, using, and disclosing personal information as set out above.

Section A - Applicant Certification

Confirm the information provided in this form is correct and agree to notify the ASA Airport Management Centre  of any changes to the  above particulars;

  • Confirm that I have read and understood the Airside Drivers Guide for Alice Springs Airport ;

  • Understand that it is a condition of my ADA that I comply with the rules and conditions for driving airside as detailed in  the Airside Drivers Guide, the Airside Vehicle Control Handbook and the Airports (Control of On Airport Activities) Regulations 1997;

  • Understand that failure to comply with the rules for driving airside or the Regulations may result in the suspension or  cancellation f or any reason;

  • Understand that I am responsible for advising ASA in writing if I lose or have my State or Territory Driving Licence  suspended or cancelled for any reason;

  • Consent to ASA  collecting, using, and disclosing any personal information contained in this application form in accordance  with the Privacy Act 1988 and the ASA  Privacy policy as detailed on our website

  • Acknowledge that I have read, understood and accept the  ASA  Privacy Statement attached to this application form;

  • The details contained in this application are true and correct and understand I must contact ASA  immediately if any of the  information changes.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear

By clicking SUBMIT your application will be sent to your Authorising Signatory to sign off. 

Section B - Employer Certification. To be completed by Authorised Signatory only

Hereby Certify that:

  • The applicant as detailed in Part 1 of this form has undertaken the mandatory applicable training as detailed in Part  2, Section C of this form;

  • I have read and understood the Airside Vehicle Control Handbook for Alice Springs Airport;

  • I have approved the Category of ADA that the applicant is applying for based on operational requirement

  • The applicant will only drive/operate equipment Airside on which they hold current endorsement and has completed appropriate company training and induction; including requirements in relations to an airside vehicle/equipment incident;

  • I understand that I am responsible fo r ensuring that ASA  are notified immediately in writing if the applicant loses or has their  State or Territory Drivers Licence suspended or cancelled for any reason ;

Draw signature|Type signatureClear
Provide list of approved authorising signatories

Eg: 50% reduction due to less than 12 months expiry
