Key Application

This form is to be used when applying for new or replacement keys for areas operated by Alice Springs Airport (ASA). Your business must be registered with us before you can apply for a key; if your business is not currently registered, please complete your business registration HERE

There is a $100.00 deposit payable for all ASA issued keys.

Loss of any key must be reported immediately

*To obtain the Original Key Tag Number, please contact AMC at (08) 8951 1211.
*Please note that the email address you provide here will be utilised to send notifications of key expiry dates to remind the holder to update their key/s
*This form will go to this email address for authorisation.

*A Statutory Declaration detailing a lost, stolen or destroyed key must be provided to AMC prior to a new key being issued


*Before ASA can issue a key to your company you must provide information regarding where access is required and what the operational requirement is to access those areas.

*You must be specific in this area; please justify the company’s need to access certain secure areas by stating actions and duties carried out in those areas

*Please note that we can provide keys with different access levels if required. Please contact AMC to discuss your specific needs

Key Transfer Details


To be completed by authorised signatory only:

Enter Full Name


(i) Certify that the information provided on this form is correct and agree to notify ASA of any changes to the above particulars;

(ii) Confirm that access is required to the areas stated above in order for the company to successfully operate and that the operational requirement stated is true and correct; 

(iii) Acknowledge that I have read the attached Conditions of Use, and I understand and agree to comply with the conditions and supply these conditions to all persons who may utilise the ASA-issued key; 

(iv) Understand that incorrect use of a ASA issued key may result in immediate withdrawal of the key and further action as deemed necessary by ASA

Draw signature|Type signatureClear

•Loss or theft of a key that provides access to ASA Secure Areas must be reported immediately to the Airport Management Centre – (08) 8951 1211 

•Keys must be returned to ASA if the company or person no longer has an operational requirement to access areas for where the keys provide access. 

•Access provided by ASA issued keys is registered for the use of the company or person to whom it has been issued only. 

•The access provided by a ASA issued key may only be used in the course of company approved duties in the Secure Areas and does not constitute an authority to enter or remain in a restricted area for any other purpose. 

•Only persons with a valid ASA or AUS ASIC are permitted to access the Security Restricted Areas of the Airport. 

•No gates or doors are to be left or propped open under any circumstances. 

•Incorrect use of access provisions may result in the immediate withdrawal of access privileges. 

•When not in use, keys are to be kept in a safe place, and the company will do their utmost to ensure their security at all times. 

•It is the company’s responsibility to maintain a register detailing the holder of each ASA issued key, ASA may, from time to time, request a copy of these records for the purposes of conducting an audit of key use. 

•All ASA keys remain the property of ASA at all times and must be returned at ASA's request. 

•The company and the company’s authorised personnel who utilise ASA issued keys are bound by the conditions of use, and will be held responsible for any breaches. 


There is a $100.00 deposit payable for all ASA-issued keys. You must retain your receipt and produce this when returning your key in order to be refunded your deposit, the deposit will only be refunded to the company stated on the receipt. 

Deposits will be refunded on the return of a key less the cost of restoring the key to its original condition, which at a minimum will be a new battery and new tip at approximately $30.00. ASA will determine the final deposit refund applicable.

There is a $100.00 deposit payable for all ASA-issued keys. Since you have advised this is just a key/s transfer. Please fill up the following details so that we can transfer the deposit information that was made previously.

*Please ensure correct cash is presented to AMC during the collection of the Key.

*If you are unsure if monthly account payments have been set up for your company, please contact the AMC office on (08) 8951 1211.



The collection and handling of information on this form is in compliance with  Alice Springs Airport Transport Security Program and The Privacy Act 1988. In addition, we may use your personal information for the purposes of assisting ASA with the correct operating of the airport under various legislation, and in the assessment of any possible security incidents or breaches. Information may also be supplied to third parties inconjunction with any federal investigations. 

By submitting this application, you consent to ASA collecting, using and disclosing personal information as set out above.


*Press "Submit" to send this application back to the applicant with the notes above.  The sections below do not need to be completed. 

Enter Full Name