Permit to Commence Work (PERCOW)

All contractors must complete this Permit and have it approved before commencing any work on Airport Development (ADG) sites. The purpose of this Permit is to ensure that all safety and contractual aspects of the works have been considered and actioned.

Note: registration is necessary before any work on ADG Leased Area is permitted.

*Please register your business with ADG before proceeding. Click here to register

Part 1 – Application Details
Person in Charge of Works

*Please complete the Working on Airport induction before proceeding with the application.

Part 2 – Description of Works

*Error!!! End date should be after the start date of works.

Part 3 – Acknowledgement of Applicant
To manage the safety on this project we:
Part 4 – ADG Special Conditions

Standard Special Conditions 

  1. Contractor must not interfere with the day to day operations of ADG. 

  2. Contractor must leave the site and surrounding areas in a clean and tidy condition at the end of each day to ADG approval. 

  3. Any damage to ADG property caused by the Contractor must be rectified at the Contractors expense to ADG’s approval.

  4. Environmental controls shall be implemented as per the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) approved bythe ADG Environment Manager. 

  5. All relevant permits must be approved before works commence.

Other special conditions specific to the work being undertaken:
Part 6 – Authorisation to Work

*Please fix the error above.