Request for Access to CCTV Footage

Method of Access
Applicant Details
Proof of Identification
Reason for Request
Footage Type
Summary of Incident
Camera Details
Terms of Access and Release

ADGPL may use any information provided for the purposes of managing operations & investigating occurrences. Information may also be supplied, by formal request to your employer, law enforcement and/or relevant commonwealth agencies. ADGPL will abide by our Workplace Surveillance Policy. 


  1. All requests for access and release of footage must be made in writing and signed by the person requesting the CCTV 

  2. ADGPL will consider requests for access to CCTV within a reasonable timeframe, subject to its operational requirements and, unless required by law, has no obligation to meet any timeframe 

  3. Unless required by law, ADGPL is not obligated to provide CCTV information 

  4. All copies of CCTV and in all and any formats reproduced remains the sole property of ADGPL 

  5. ADGPL decision to provide CCTV is at our sole and absolute discretion, the following may be considered: 

    1. Whether ADGPL is in possession of the requested CCTV and can locate it 

    2. Whether disclosing the requested CCTV is consistent with ADGPL Workplace Surveillance Policy 

    3. Whether or not personal information about unrelated individuals will also be disclosed 

    4. Whether or not providing access will jeopardise ADGPL interests or position in any current or potential court proceedings 

    5.  And any other information provided or known to ADGPL at the time of the request 

  6. When assessing the request, ADGPL may consult with its legal counsel and/or stakeholders it considers necessary 

  7. ADGPL reserves the right to and will deny any request made that ADGPL determines is frivolous

  8. If the release of CCTV is granted, the CCTV must only be used for the purpose stated on this form 

  9. Unless required by law, the applicant must not without ADGPL prior written consent, disclose the CCTV to any third party, make copies, reproduce, or modify the CCTV in whole or in part in any form 

  10. Personal information provided in this form is dealt with in accordance with ADGPL Privacy Policy

The applicant indemnifies Airport Development Group Pty Ltd (ADGPL), against all claims of any kind made against it at any time by the applicant, recipient or any third party for loss or damage caused or contributed to by the disclosure is intentional or unintentional

Applicant Signature
Draw signature|Type signatureClear
Office Use Only