PFAS contamination in soil and groundwater is present at DIA at varying concentrations throughout the precinct. Source areas include historic landfills, fire training grounds and areas where fire-fighting foam has been released.
Construction activities, including new developments, infrastructure, facilities and maintenance projects, where soil excavation or interaction with groundwater takes place, are required to obtain a PFAS Statement as part of the Excavation Permit and Airport Building Control (ABC) approval process.
The purpose of the PFAS Statement is to undertake a risk assessment to establish the likelihood of encountering PFAS-contaminated soil and/or groundwater during excavations and outline the controls to be put in place to mitigate the risk to both personal health and the environment.
Step 1:
Complete and submit this form.
Step 2:
Once this form is submitted the Airport’s Environment and Sustainability Manager will assess the risks and outline any further environmental controls required. The signed form will then be returned to the applicant. A copy of this signed form must then be submitted as part of the ABC application along with an Excavation Permit.
Step 3:
If excess soil or slurry will be generated from the excavation, an
Application for Stockpiling of Materials Form must be completed prior to moving the soil /slurry to the airside stockpile area.
Note: Checks will be undertaken at random to ensure all risk control measures outlined are being complied with.